Lend a hand, help the land
You can be our hero! At any one time there are a myriad of tasks that we need volunteer help completing. Visit back regularly as our needs are always changing. If you add your name to our volunteer list you will also get updates on needs every once in a blue moon.
You’ll find a diverse set of opportunities listed, from helping with an event, to working out in the woods. There is something for everyone, and hey — we really appreciate it!
Please sign up below if you want to be a part of the volunteer team at Kaniksu Land Trust
Typical Volunteer Tasks
Reforestation of various areas around Pine Street Woods.
Burn piles at various locations at Pine Street Woods (prior experience needed and staff member present required)
Be an event volunteer. If you would like to volunteer to help before, after or during our events please let us know.
Raking ruts out of wide or narrow trails at Pine Street Woods.
Help run Kaniksu Lumber if you enjoy hard work and getting your hands a bit dirty this job is for you.