Caring for the lands and people of the Kaniksu Region, today, tomorrow, and forever.
Our Story
To date Kaniksu has completed nearly 40 conservation projects, protecting more than 6,000 acres of special places. From the beautiful Bull River Valley to the shores of Morton Slough and the Pack River, this work is critical to preserving our area’s rural landscapes and natural resources that contribute to our economic security and quality of life. KLT’s conservation programs have far reaching and long lasting impacts.
We currently have five professional staff and an active board of directors. KLT is recognized as an accredited land trust since February of 2016 and is one of just 450 accredited land trusts out of more than 1,300 land trusts operating in the United States.
The organization was originally founded in 2002 as the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille Conservancy with the purpose of supporting the land conservation needs of Avista Corporation’s protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures as required under the Clark Fork Settlement Agreement. KLT has since transitioned to a stand-alone 501c3 non-profit organization operating in Idaho and Montana and has also diversified its land protection and community engagement programs.
Caring for the lands and people of the Kaniksu Region, today, tomorrow, and forever.
Each person who walks this land embraces a responsibility to steward its richness and diversity for the benefit of present and future generations.
We have a deep respect for the lands of the Kaniksu Region. We work to conserve the forests, farmlands, mountains, and valleys of this area. Through our collective caring for the land and water, we ensure that it endures for future generations.
Connection is at the heart of our work. We strive to break down barriers in order to connect our community with the land. When we connect each other with land we learn to value and protect it, together.
Our work together as a community leads to lasting and far-reaching impacts. Our efforts are guided by integrity, compassion, and honesty. We care about and respect our community members and strive to forge relationships based on mutual benefit and trust.

During KLT’s formative years, conservation was primarily driven by projects that had high value for fish habitat, specifically for native fish such as bull trout and west slope cutthroat trout. Early conservation easements protected properties along Bull River, Pack River and Twin Creek. KLT continues to partner with Avista’s Natural Resources Department, Idaho Department of Fish & Game, and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to protect important wildlife habitat.
In 2009, KLT expanded its focus to include the protection of forests and ranch lands. The completion of conservation easements on Gold Creek and Morton Slough brought the permanent protection of more than 1200 acres of working forest and farmland.
In the summer of 2012, the land trust re-branded itself as Kaniksu Land Trust in order to better reflect its regional land and water conservation mission and to provide an identity recognizable to its constituents. This new chapter also focused on organizational development, community outreach and the implementation of a sustainable base to support the mission into the future.
At this time KLT began to prioritize public access and recreational opportunities in addition to its more traditional priorities. The public benefits of properties such as Pine Street Woods and Cabinet View Nature Area, which provide access to multi-use non-motorized trails, is profound.
KLT continues to be committed to supporting the vibrant communities of north Idaho and northwest Montana, and preserving the lands and waters that sustain them.