Men in beards and flannel move over, women are headed into the forest for a Women in the Woods workshop at Pine Street Woods. While the event is open to everyone, Women in the Woods provides a wide range of training geared for women by women foresters to give them hands-on experience, inspiring more active participation in managing family-owned forests. There is no cost to participate. Attendees will be out in the woods, rotating through different exercises covering forest assessment and forestry work on the ground.
Lunch provided at no charge by the Kaniksu Land Trust and the Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation.
Register by May 10 online at Please direct questions to Audra Cochran at or 208-937-2311.
Scheduled activities include:
Forest assessment:
Tree identification
Tree measurements
Forest Health
Forestry work on the ground:
Thinning and pruning trees exercise
Marking which trees to cut, choosing which trees to keep
Saws and tools demo
Planting seedlings, choosing the right trees
Slash pile building and burning safety