If your doggo tends to be overly friendly, curious, or aggressive, your dog needs to wear a leash during your entire visit to PSW. But, if your dog obeys voice commands and is under your control, a leash is not required as long as you keep him/her within 10 feet at all times.
Dogs and dog-parents who respect this simple pet policy at Pine Street Woods deserve paws-itive reinforcement. If Spot is spotted being a "Paws-itive Pooch," we'll reward you with a gift - on the spot!
Dogs & Wildlife
A mountain lion's home range can extend to more than 125 square miles. If food is plentiful, it would make sense to stick around where the eating is good. Apparently, this is the case in and around Pine Street Woods.
Since cougars prefer venison, most of us non-deer species are relatively safe, especially since there is such an abundance of deer in our area. So, if hungry cats are not the big issue, why the concern?
You Are In A Wildlife Zone
The carefully maintained access road, parking lots, and trails could make us forget that Pine Street Woods and the Syringa Trail System are first and foremost conservation areas. This is where wildlife make their livelihood. We may recreate there, but it is our responsibility to ensure that we and our dogs don't wear out our welcome.
When we learn that a mountain lion has been spotted, we keep our dogs leashed to prevent encounters or we leave them home. We respect trail closures. We observe the firearm prohibition in place throughout the Syringa Trail System. Please do not allow your dog(s) to sniff out wildlife - for their safety, yours, and that of wildlife.
If you encounter a mountain lion or other large predator, please notify KLT at (208)263-9471.